You might be in the spare room. The garage. The shed. You might even be making stuff from your living room sofa. When you’ve got creative hobbies, and you want to exercise them and put blood, sweat, tears, heart AND soul into the things you make, you need a makerspace that’s solely yours.
Unfortunately, not everyone has an abundance of space around the home (nor infinite storage capacity for your ever-growing tool collection!). So, the least you can do is make the space you do have comfortable and functional. Today, we’ll explore how.
What is a makerspace?
I know I’m effectively calling a spade a spade, but let’s just clarify what a makerspace is. Because if you were to Google it right now, you’d get a mix of results.
A collaborative makerspace
On the one hand, you’ve got the collaborative types. These are “a physical location where people gather to co-create, share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build”. They’re open to everyone: children, big children (like you and me), real adults, entrepreneurs, hobbyists, the particularly curious etc, etc. However, they're not all equal. Some makerspaces are more geared towards intermediates and others the more advanced.
The main benefit of these collaborative makerspaces is that you have access to equipment and resources you otherwise wouldn’t. For example, you might get your fingers inside 3D printers, CNC machines or sewing machines. Actually, they’re probably bad examples... But they are there. And you can use them.
For casual hobbyists, it’s hard to justify such purchases, so these spaces can be great. You can find small makerspaces in local libraries or big ones in industrial spacers. Browse a directory of them here. Just make sure the space has what you need.
A personal makerspace
On the other hand, you also have personal makerspaces. These are for the folks who like to potter about in the evenings, tinker on a Sunday morning or even just kick back and make something while watching an episode of The Chase. Your personal makerspace is usually in and around your home. The rest of the article will focus on these. Let's dig in.
Why make a makerspace makeable and make-(com)fortable?
Regardless of whether you're model making, machining, sewing, painting, or even just disassembling and reassembling something because you want to, the space in which you do this matters.
We all have our weird creature comforts and “unique” ways we like to make, break and create stuff (I like wearing socks and sandals). Your space should put these on a pedestal and allow you to be you.
So, yes, a comfortable and functional space will help you reduce setup times, spillages, and lost items and also boost enjoyment and productivity. But with some creative thinking (and this article), you’ll hopefully make a cave that you won’t want (or need) to leave. Ever.
The nuts and bolts of a maker space
Right, let’s get down to business. The world is explained by laws, rules, theories and principles. It’s time we made some for our space too. I’ve shortlisted 6 of the most important (and applicable) so you can make your makerspace maketastic. They fall into the following categories:
- The space
- The surface
- The storage
- The light
- The ventilation
- The tools
Principle 1: See space, think elbows
You might have the luxury of choosing from multiple potential workspaces. You might not. I’m going to assume you have a little wiggle room or, at least, the potential to make some.
First, a dedicated space. This will generally be more comfortable (and productive) than a shared space. It keeps you away from the dreaded household activities so you can create in peace. And if you leave a bit of a mess, it won’t end up inside your dinner.
To choose a dedicated space, you need room to move around. The last thing you want is to be model-making and doing yoga simultaneously. It ain’t easy. And it ain't worth it – trust me. You need room to move your elbows and feet so you can sit, stand, and turn around to your heart’s content.
Inside your space, you need to consider the positioning of items. We’ll look at how you can store your bits functionally and efficiently soon. But for now, remember this: storage that goes horizontally and vertically is very handy. It’s even handier if you can move this storage about. That way, you have an adaptable workspace to cater for different projects.
Ideally, your space needs the space for such.
Principle 2: A work surface for other work surfaces
Next, your work surface. You’ve hopefully got a space big enough to swing your elbows about. Now, you need something to put them on. That somewhere needs to be flat, stable, and ideally non-slip. I can only count on one hand how many times I’ve slipped sculpting with marbles under my armrest…
Many choose to work at your typical office desk. These are a cost-effective, widely accessible and easily configurable option (i.e. you can pick from a range of sizes and materials). If this works for you, make sure you de-wobble it. Of course, if you’re cutting metal or chiselling stone, you might want to rethink and pick something sturdier.
It’s not uncommon for folks to layer their work surface. For example, you might have your office desk, and then protect it with thick boards (for painting, drilling, etc), and then for detailed work, lay thick glass on top – it’s flat, solid and easy to clean! Having multiple desk layers also lets you bring your elbows closer to your head, making detailed work more comfortable.

I’m still working on my design skills
Bigger is better... until it’s not. If you’re in a small space, it’s more important to maximise how efficiently you use it. So, prioritise a deep work surface (i.e. front to back) over width. That way, you can handle tools, materials and projects more comfortably – and you don't need to get out of/move your chair to reach them. You might even opt for foldable or modular workbenches. The extra surface can be a lifesaver sometimes.
Next, height. If you’re mostly sitting, then ensure you’re not hunching over. An adaptable desk (or chair) will help. I’ve seen some desks that utilise multiple layers, so you can stage out projects on different "desk shelves" and stand to work on them if you need to. This is a great way to save space because you can work upwards! You can let projects dry, move to the next component, or just procrastinate in style.
Principle 3: High-use, high. Low-use, lie.
I’m sure you’re just like me, and you’ve somehow accrued a lot of tools. If you’re new to your hobby, then this awaits. So, you will (if not now, then eventually) require space to store everything. Everyone has their preferences and ways of working. Honour this. It’s your space, remember.
Nobody wants to unbutton, twist, unclip and then slide open to get a pair of scissors. So, it’s good practice to make your high-use bits easily accessible and your low-use bits less accessible – and put them in what we'll call "second storage". That's not to say you should make your second storage intentionally awkward - of course not. But prioritise closeness and ease of access for your primary.
Even fewer people want to have to get up and then unbutton, twist, unclip and slide open to get a pair of scissors. So, if you can, keep everything within arm’s reach. This is why vertical and horizontal storage is essential. You can hang your primary stuff on wall-mounted pegboards, shelves or magnetic strips. And then layer your secondary stuff inside draws, rolling carts or modular storage. Oh, and don’t forget your labels!

Like these but with stuff inside them
Next, let’s address your organisation. I know it’s hard, but you’re going to have to let go. Clutter is not your friend. And that pain in your elbow probably is one of the pins looking for its forever home.
Some folks like hanging storage bins or plastic segmented cases (like little tackle boxes) for their smaller, fiddly bits. If you can use clear ones, you’ll be able to quickly identify what’s inside and eliminate the repetitive opening/closing checking process. Alternatively, you might want to segment your drawers with dividers or trays. The aim is to keep your work surface clear and tidy, so your creative mind stays the same.
Should you want to really explore tool storage options, we have a whole article on it here.
Principle 4: LIGHT
It might be a fun challenge, but modelling in the dark is not ideal. You need light. Lots of it. In fact, however you use your makerspace, you need it.
Let’s start simple. You’ll need an overhead light and potentially a task light too (i.e. one that sits/mounts to your desk). A desk light that's a gooseneck (think, bendy) is great. One that's fully adjustable and locks into place is even better.
If you find yourself regularly painting or assessing colour choices, then avoid overly warm (yellow) or overly cool (blue) light. These can distort how colours look.

Me, modelling in my nightmares
Additionally, if you're a frequent fiddler of fragile bits, then multiple task lights might help. Why? Because sometimes, one bright light can create shadows and throw you off. Alternatively, you can use a diffused light source to soften the shadows and keep bold illumination.
Opt for LEDs over fluorescent or incandescent lights. They last longer, stay cool and don’t flicker like something out of The Exorcist.
For the more advanced and technically-minded, aim for 5000K - 6000K. This is an eye-friendly colour temperature that lets you see the colours for what they are – and stops "carefully crafted" becoming "mildly cursed".
If you’re using LED strips, aim for a high CRI (Colour Rendering Index). Again, so you can accurately see the colours.
Principle 5: Don’t let it linger, or it’ll sting ya
This principle is more hobby-specific. Yes, a window and fresh air are important. It can help keep you productive and healthy. And this applies to all makerspaces.
But of course, you can’t change where your windows are (easily, at least!). So if you can, try to keep your makerspace near a window. It’ll help prevent a build-up of dust, fumes and vapours.
If you’re working with paints, adhesives or resins, then a fume extractor or air purifier with a HEPA filter is strongly recommended. Alternatively, you might choose to do these tasks outside if they’re not too regular.
I’d like to think it’s common sense, but if you’re doing such activities inside, make sure the ventilation leads outside and not to another room. You don’t want hazardous fumes lingering in your rooms and getting up your family's snout.
Principle 6: Tools that do it all
And principle number 6. The last one: Your tools and equipment.
I know it’s near impossible to have enough, and that “Oh, go on then” slips out when you see a bargain too good to be true. But if you do have some self-restraint, then this principle is for you.
Your space is limited. So, every tool needs to work hard to earn its spot. Sometimes, it can’t be avoided, but prioritise the tools that serve more than one purpose or can be used in multiple ways. For example, you could use a magnifier and LED light (great for the fiddly tasks), a cutting mat (they often have measurement guides) or even a 3D printer for its extensive uses and abilities.
If you're new here, then I'll share some tools from the MetMo collection that also serve as multi-use tools. Up first:
The MetMo Fractal Vise. A usual benchtop vise is big and only really works with flat-edged components. What if you wanted to clamp a model banana? Or a dragon? Or electrical components? Or simply ANYTHING oddly shaped? The MetMo Fractal Vise can clamp it all. And do so gently because it doesn’t have high force concentrations (it's all evenly distributed). From there, you can sand, grind, paint, build, solder and all sorts!

What’s more, this can also come with its own desktop workstation. So you have somewhere to put the vise, measure components, cut them and lay the little screws as you dissect your favourite watch.

The MetMo Multi Drive. What feels like a pencil... writes like a pencil... but also cuts, marks, files, drills, and drives? This. Arguably the best multi-tool in existence. At least in our eyes.

The MetMo Pocket Driver. This is like having hex/Allen keys, a T-driver, a micro driver, and a screwdriver that fits in your pocket, drawer, peg board, worktop, toolbox, or cutlery drawer. It’s small but mighty.

Aaaand that’s all for today. Hopefully, you’ve found it useful. Your personal makerspace might not happen overnight, but with these principles, it’ll be worth it.
Once it is, send them to our CubeClub or Subreddit. We'd love to see! See you in the next one.