How to fill out the Kickstarter survey

The following instructions will help with survey completion:

1. Find the Email with the Survey Link

Wait for your survey notification from or (This message will be sent to the email address associated with your Kickstarter account). 

Click the link in the email that says ‘Click here to start’

2. Change Your Currency

To ensure you don't receive any additional fees due to currency conversions on the site, scroll to the bottom of the page and amend the Country/region to GBP 
Screenshot highlighting where the drop-down is on the MetMo website to select the correct Country / Region. .

3. Enable Ads Temporarily

So you can see any notices, please ensure ads are temporarily allowed by any ad blockers.
Screenshot highlighting the notices neeeded for the MetMo survey.

4. Confirm Your Rewards

Confirm your current pledge by clicking the confirm button next to each of your rewards.

screenshot highlighting where to find the confirm button.

5. Add Extra Add-ons

By scrolling down the page you can add on any backer exclusive items by choosing the quantity and hitting the 'add to cart' button. If not, simply scroll to the bottom of the page.

screenshot highlighting where to find the MetMo extra add-ons.

6. Press "Next"

At the bottom of the page click the orange button to proceed to the shipping details.

screenshot highlighting where to find the next button to navigate to shipping details.

7. Enter Shipping Details

Enter your shipping address email address. 
The discount from your existing pledge will be added on the next page when you press "continue to shipping." This means any payment already made through Kickstarter will be applied to your order. 

Screenshot highlighting where to find the continue to shipping button.

8. Final Confirmation Click "Pay Now"

On this page, if you have not chosen any add-ons, it will look like the screen below. If you have chosen any add-ons this is where you will pay for them. Continue by pressing the pay now button even if the amount is zero like in the example below to finalise the selection. 
Screenshot displaying the checkout cart totalling at zero for having added no add-ons.
Please reply to your survey email if you are asked for further payment when you haven't added anything extra.
You should receive a confirmation email to the address used during this process you can keep this as a reference.
If you need any help, contact us at